Dette innstikket er ikkje testa med dei tre siste utgåvene av WordPress. Det kan henda det ikkje blir vedlikehalde lenger, og kan ha problem med nyare versjonar av WordPress.



MotionMagic enhances Gutenberg adding beautiful CSS animations to any block. Easily add on scroll, on hover and on click animations.

Fully compatible with any template kit for Gutenberg like spectra, stackable, otter, kadence, qubely etc..

When the user selects an animation from the Gutenberg editor interface, they can see the effect on the same screen in the inspected block, allowing them to preview how the animation will appear on the front end. The plugin ensures that all animations do not interfere with each other. In fact, the same block can have all three types of animations defined.


  • MotionMagic integrates perfectly with the Gutenberg editor.
  • You can animate any block with dozens of pretty effects.
  • You can adjust the behaviour of the plugin at its settings page.


Upload the MotionMagic plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» screen in WordPress.
Start using the MotionMagic plugin to add CSS animations to your blocks.

Vanlege spm.

Can I use MotionMagic with other page builders besides Gutenberg?

Currently MotionMagic only works with the Gutenberg editor.


4. juli 2023
Many free gutenberg templates are very aesthetic but lack animations. This plugin solves the problem.
Les 1 omtale

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“MotionMagic” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




Initial release.