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QuadMenu – Storefront Mega Menu


Premium | Demo | Documentation | QuadMenu | Community

Integrates QuadMenu with the Storefront Woocommerce theme. Requires QuadMenu and Storefront.

This plugin will add all the settings to match the style and the layout of Storefront theme.


  1. Go to the Plugins page in WordPress
  2. Search for «Storefront Mega Menu»
  3. Click «Install»

After installation go to Appearance > Menus and create your mega menu.


14. september 2018 1 reply
Not that flexible and its just a mega menu but gives you all the hustle to set it up and decided to look for an alternative Max Menu took me less than 5 min to set it up! Wasted my time on Storefront one.
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“QuadMenu – Storefront Mega Menu” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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  • QuadMenu automatic installation


  • Improvements in options


  • Compatibility fixes with QuadMenu 1.2.0


  • Compatibility fixes with QuadMenu 1.1.8


  • Compatibility fixes with QuadMenu 1.1.4


  • Initial version